
Type Artist Product Date Author
CD Vocal Sampling Vocalsamplingsmall Así de Sampling - (Zig Zag/Colibrí) Released 2017

ENGLISH: Así de Sampling by Vocal Sampling is the winner of the Choral and Vocal Music category in Cubadisco 2017. Unique as always and with a wonderful sense of humor as well.

ESPAÑOL: Así de Sampling de Vocal Sampling es ganador de la categoría Música coral y vocal en Cubadisco 2017. Úinco como siempre y con un sentido de humor maravilloso también.

09/03/2017 Bill Tilford
CD Everton Paul W/ Ruy López-Nussa & La Academia Everton-pablo-paul-remembrancesmall Remembrance -(Side Door Records) - Released 2012

I'm told that this very Cuban treatment of the music of Bob Marley drew a mixed reception from Reggae purists, but hey, it's not supposed to be an album of exact covers - it is a fusion of Cuban music and Reggae from a band that has the chops and arrangements to make it worthwhile. Get into Mr. Marley's frame of mind first, then listen - the band, Ruy López-Nussa and La Academia, and Everton "Pablo" Paul, the Jamaican lead singer, have put together a very intriguing album.

04/20/2015 Bill TIlford
CD Bobby Carcassés y AfroJazz Bobby-carcassés-y-afrojazz_blues-con-montuno_bis-music_2017timbasmall Blues Con Montuno - (Bis Music) - Released 2017

ENGLISH: Blues Con Montuno is the latest release by master showman and Jazz artist Bobby Carcassés. It won a Premio Cubadisco in 2017 for Jazz Soloists. There is indeed some excellent Cuban Blues here, but the album features the styles of Jazz for which Bobby is renowned (some of it danceable, naturally). And, there is, of course, a lot of great scat singing.
ESPAÑOL: Blues Con Montuno es el nuevo lanzamiento de Master Showman y jazzista Bobby Carcassés. El álbum un premio Cubadisco en 2017 en la categoría Jazz Solistas. Hay de verdad un poco de excelente Blues cubano aquí, pero el álbum ofrece los estilos de Jazz para los cuales Bobby es renombrado (incluyendo el Jazz bailable, naturalmente), Y, por supuesto, hay un montón de scateando.

06/17/2017 Bill Tilford
CD Digna Guerra y Coro Entrevoces Oyesportada Oh Yes! - (Colibrí) Released 2015

This 2015 Cubadisco winner (Grand Prize and Choral Music) is a album of Negro Spirituals in English. Surprised? Don't be. This has been going on for quite a while in Cuba, it just managed to stay off a lot of North American radar screens until now.

06/08/2015 Bill Tilford
CD Giraldo Piloto y Klimax Mis21timbasmall Mis 21 Años - (Dreadlocks Music/EGREM) Released 2016

ENGLISH: Mis 21 Años, which celebrates 21 years of Klimax, is a collection of new arrangements of several great selections from different musical periods of the group. The album uses a stellar collection of guest artists, and in addition to some Klimax-caliber Timba, it includes a couple of beautiful boleros. Mis 21 Años was awarded the Premio Cubadisco in 2017 in the Música Popular Bailable - Maestros category. Mr. Piloto still believes in Timba, and it shows here.
ESPAÑOL: Mis 21 Años, que celebra 21 años de Klimax, es una colección de nuevos arreglos de varias selecciones pegadas de etapas diferentes del grupo. El álbum utiliza una colección estelar de artistas invitados, y además de la Timba de calibre Klimax, hay un par de boleros hermosos. Mis 21 Años fue galadornado con un Premio Cubadisco en 2017 en la categoría Música Popular Bailable - Maestros. Sr. Piloto todavía cree en la Timba, como se puede observar aquí.

06/10/2017 Bill TIlford
CD Paulo FG y su Élite Abrequevoysmall Abre que voy - (EGREM) - Released 2013

Paulo FG returns with a mix of genres including Timba, Salsa and a Bachata and Regueton track, all performed well. Nominated for a Cubadisco in the Música Popular Bailable category.

05/01/2014 Bill Tilford
CD Elito Revé y su Charangón Lasalsatienemisonsmaller La Salsa TIene Mi Son - (Bis Music) Released 2015

Winner of a Gran Premio (there were two this year) and Música Bailable - Maestros at Cubadisco 2016, this celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Charangón has La Aplanadora de Cuba at full steam. A lot of guest artists came out for this, but there are no misses here.

07/03/2016 Bill Tilford
CD Manolito Simonet y su Trabuco Manolito_portada_sin_frenosmall Sin Freno - (Bis Music) Released 2013

Those of you who have been mourning the fact that the 80s and 90s are over can stop now. Sin Freno is a knock-you-flat-on-your-arse Timba recording (with one stray concession to the bachateros) that easily holds its own with anything we old-timers remember from our own versions of the "Golden Age".

05/01/2014 Bill Tilford
CD Yasser Ramos y 9 Milímetros Icon-niantesnidespues Ni antes ni después (EGREM) July 2017

With his second full-length album -"Ni antes, ni después" - Yasser Ramos has begun to really find the direction of his new project. Keywords to describe this album are tumbao, groove, sabrosura, bailable, and great horns.

07/01/2017 Michelle White
CD Miguel Zenón Zenónidentitiescoversmall Identities are Changeable - (Miel Music) Released 2014

No, it's not about the Dolezal case, although it is based on a diffaerent identities question, specifically how New Yorkers of Puerto Rican descent identify themselves. Instead of talking heads screaming at each other though, you get some really wonderful Latin Jazz.

06/21/2015 Bill Tilford