
Type Artist Product Date Author
CD Ivan Acosta y su Grupo De Cuba Somos Ivanacostadecubasomossmall Cubaniando

A not-yet-released recording by one of Santiago de Cuba's best Jazz bands. Ivan Acosta's Grupo de Cuba Somos is one of the mainstays of the small but vibrant Jazz scene in Santiago. Review includes photos and links to an interview.

03/17/2016 Bill Tilford
CD Eliades Ochoa & Alma Latina Guajiramasguajirasmall Guajira Mas Guajira - (Tumi) Released May 2016

The renowned Eliades Ochoa teams with his sister, Maria Ochoa, and the group Alma Latina, in a pleasant blend of Cuban country music and hints of other Caribbean styles like Soca and Ska.

04/10/2016 Bill Tilford
CD/DVD Alaín Daniel Trayectosmall Trayecto - (Ahí Nama) Released 2014

This 2015 Cubadisco nominee (Música Popular Bailable, Novedades) has not been officially released yet, but it is musically quite good.

04/10/2016 Bill Tilford
CD Hector Quintana Dactilarsmall Dactilar - (Cinquillo/Colibrí) 2015

The debut album by Cuban Jazz guitarist Hector Quintana, who is equally at home with Cuban and North American Jazz styles. Nominated for a Cubadisco 2015 in the Jazz category. Special bonuses are his pianists Jorge Aragon and Alejandro Falcon, and his drummer, Yissy Garcia, whom you are guaranteed to get to know a lot better in the future.

04/10/2016 Bill Tilford
CD Marialy Pacheco Marialypachecosmall Introducing Marialy Pacheco - (Neu Klang) Released 2014

A trio album with a subtle intensity by Marialy Pacheco, a Cuban pianist/composer now based in Germany. . The original compositions are the highlights of the recording.

04/10/2016 Bill Tilford
CD Gabriel Hernández Mrmanymoonssmall Mr. Many Moons - (Independent)

This independent recording, nominated for a Cubadisco award in the Jazz category, may not be released yet. We review it here for the sake of completeness. Musically, it is quite good, with most of it being Hard Bop and similar styles.

04/10/2016 Bill Tilford
CD Various Artists Lecuonajojazzsmall Lecuona JóJazz -(Colibrí) - 2014

This inventive Jazz treatment of some of Ernesto Lecuona's compositions was nominated for a Cubadisco award in the Jazz Cubano category in 2015. It features four past JóJazz winners on piano (JóJazz is a contest dedicated to young Jazz artists) and some excellent combos supporting them.

04/14/2016 Bill Tilford
CD Yosvany Terry Yosvanynewthronedlargesmall New Throned King - (5Passion) - Released 2014

Nominated for both a GRAMMY (Best Latin Jazz Album 2015) and a Cubadisco Jazz Cubano 2015), New Throned King is a sublime blend of Arará cantos and Jazz. This is a heady brew indeed.

04/16/2016 Bill Tilford
CD Elito Revé y su Charangón Lasalsatienemisonsmaller La Salsa TIene Mi Son - (Bis Music) Released 2015

Winner of a Gran Premio (there were two this year) and Música Bailable - Maestros at Cubadisco 2016, this celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Charangón has La Aplanadora de Cuba at full steam. A lot of guest artists came out for this, but there are no misses here.

07/03/2016 Bill Tilford
CD El Noro y Primera Clase Sinescalasmall Sin Escala - (Unicornio) Released 2015

Winner of the Música Bailable - Nuevos Talentos category in Cubadisco 2016, El Noro's debut solo album delivers. A tasty mix of retro and current touches.

07/03/2016 Bill Tilford
CD Harold López-Nussa Elviajesmall El Viaje - (Mack Avenue) Released 2016

The splendid new album by Harold López-Nussa is an intense blend of Afro Cuban, African and Jazz ingredients.

10/25/2016 Bill Tilford
CD Septeto Santiaguero Coversmall Raíz - (EGREM) Released February 2017

This latest release by Septeto Santiaguero on EGREM greatly expands its collaborative scope including some Jazz musicians, a chorus and strings on a few tracks. There is still plenty of Son autentico here as well, and it swings despite the fact that projects this massive seldom do.

01/21/2017 Bill Tilford
CD Giraldo Piloto y Klimax Mis21timbasmall Mis 21 Años - (Dreadlocks Music/EGREM) Released 2016

ENGLISH: Mis 21 Años, which celebrates 21 years of Klimax, is a collection of new arrangements of several great selections from different musical periods of the group. The album uses a stellar collection of guest artists, and in addition to some Klimax-caliber Timba, it includes a couple of beautiful boleros. Mis 21 Años was awarded the Premio Cubadisco in 2017 in the Música Popular Bailable - Maestros category. Mr. Piloto still believes in Timba, and it shows here.
ESPAÑOL: Mis 21 Años, que celebra 21 años de Klimax, es una colección de nuevos arreglos de varias selecciones pegadas de etapas diferentes del grupo. El álbum utiliza una colección estelar de artistas invitados, y además de la Timba de calibre Klimax, hay un par de boleros hermosos. Mis 21 Años fue galadornado con un Premio Cubadisco en 2017 en la categoría Música Popular Bailable - Maestros. Sr. Piloto todavía cree en la Timba, como se puede observar aquí.

06/10/2017 Bill TIlford
CD Daymé Arocena Cubafoniatimbasmall Cubafonía - (Brownswood Recordings) Released March 2017

ENGLISH: Cubafonía is Dayme Arocena's third full album in her own name. Accompanied by several members of Cuba's young Jazz elite, it also has a healthy mix of Rumba, Mambo, Changüi, Jazz and Funk There is a chemistry throughout this album that wasn't as consistently present at the same level in her earlier projects, and Çubafonía could prove to be her breakout album.
ESPAÑOL: Cubafonía es el tercer álbum de Daymé Arocena en su propio nombre. Acompañada por varios miembros de la joven élite de Jazz de Cuba, tiene también una mezcla saludable de Rumba, Mambo, Changüi, Jazz y Funk. Hay una química a lo largo de este álbum que no era presente tan consistemente en el mismo nivel en sus proyectos anteriores, y Cubafonía podría resultar ser el álbum que atrae la mayor atención.

06/11/2017 Bill Tilford
CD Bobby Carcassés y AfroJazz Bobby-carcassés-y-afrojazz_blues-con-montuno_bis-music_2017timbasmall Blues Con Montuno - (Bis Music) - Released 2017

ENGLISH: Blues Con Montuno is the latest release by master showman and Jazz artist Bobby Carcassés. It won a Premio Cubadisco in 2017 for Jazz Soloists. There is indeed some excellent Cuban Blues here, but the album features the styles of Jazz for which Bobby is renowned (some of it danceable, naturally). And, there is, of course, a lot of great scat singing.
ESPAÑOL: Blues Con Montuno es el nuevo lanzamiento de Master Showman y jazzista Bobby Carcassés. El álbum un premio Cubadisco en 2017 en la categoría Jazz Solistas. Hay de verdad un poco de excelente Blues cubano aquí, pero el álbum ofrece los estilos de Jazz para los cuales Bobby es renombrado (incluyendo el Jazz bailable, naturalmente), Y, por supuesto, hay un montón de scateando.

06/17/2017 Bill Tilford
CD Yissy & Bandancha Ultimanoticia2timbasmall Última Noticia (Zona Jazz 2016/EGREM 2017)

ENGLISH: Winner of the Opera Prima (best new artist) and Diseño (Design) categories in Cubadisco 2017, Última Noticia has an origin story almost as interesting as the album itself - a galvanizing mix of Jazz, Fusion, Cuban Music, Funk, NuJazz - kind of like Acid Jazz 3.0 but even better.
ESPAÑOL: Ganador de las categorías Opera Prima (mejor nuevo artista) y Diseño en Cubadisco 2017, Última Noticia tiene una historia de origen casi tan interesante como el propio álbum - una mezcla galvánica de Jazz, Fusion, Música Cubana, Funk, NuJazz -como si fuera Acid Jazz 3.0 pero aún mejor.

07/02/2017 Bill Tilford
CD Sabroseandosmall Sabroseando - (Unicornio/Producciones Abdala) 2017

ENGLISH: Nominated in the Traditional Popular Music (later Conjuntos & Other Formats) category in Cubadisco 2017, Sabroseando by is an impressive and enjoyable collection of sones and boleros. Highly recommended for fans of the part of the music spectrum popularized by groups like Rumbavana.
ESPAÑOL: Nominado en la categoría Música Popular Tradicional (convertido en Conjuntos y Otros Formatos) en Cubadisco 2017, Sabroseando por es una colección impresionante y disfrutable de sones y boleros. Muy recomendable a los fanes de la parte del espectro musical popularizado por grupos como Rumbavana.

07/09/2017 Bill Tilford
CD Oriente López Orientelopez2small Abracadabra - (OHL Music) 2016

ENGLISH: Abracadabra an audio kaleidoscope that defies easy description due to the multiple different styles performed within the recording. Expect the unexpected, but that's a good thing here. Several big names - Alaín Pérez, Kelvis Ochoa, Angel Bonne, Mayito Rivera, Malena Burke, Calixto Oviedo, Jimmy Branly and many others participate. . Nominated in the Fusion category of Cubadisco 2017.

ESPAÑOL: Abracadabra un caleidoscopio de audio que desafía la descripción fácil debido a los múltiples estilos diferentes realizados dentro de la grabación. Espere lo inesperado, pero eso es algo bueno aquí. Varios grandes nombres - Alaín Pérez, Kelvis Ochoa, Angel Bonne, Mayito Rivera, Malena Burke, Calixto Oviedo, Jimmy Branly y muchos otros participan. . Nominado en la categoría Fusion de Cubadisco 2017.

07/23/2017 Bill Tilford
CD Vocal Sampling Vocalsamplingsmall Así de Sampling - (Zig Zag/Colibrí) Released 2017

ENGLISH: Así de Sampling by Vocal Sampling is the winner of the Choral and Vocal Music category in Cubadisco 2017. Unique as always and with a wonderful sense of humor as well.

ESPAÑOL: Así de Sampling de Vocal Sampling es ganador de la categoría Música coral y vocal en Cubadisco 2017. Úinco como siempre y con un sentido de humor maravilloso también.

09/03/2017 Bill Tilford
CD Alberto Lescay & FORMAS Escapesmall Escape (EGREM 2018) Released June 1, 2018

ENGLISH: Escape is the debut album of Alberto Lescay & FORMAS, a group that represents the best of the best of the NuJazz movement in Cuba. If you have been worried about the future of music in Cuba, this album is an instant cure.
ESPAÑOL: Escape es el álbum debut de Alberto Lescay & FORMAS, un grupo que representa lo mejor de lo mejor del movimiento NuJazz en Cuba. Si estuviera preocupado por el futuro de la música en Cuba, este álbum sería una cura instantánea.

06/03/2018 Bill Tilford
CD Marcos Morales Perspelcitviasmall Perspectiva -(Independent) - Released March 2018

ENGLISH: Perspectiva is the auspicious (and audacious) debut album by one of the winners of JoJazz 2017, Marcos Morales. Mature beyond the years of its protagonists, Perspectiva provides the listener with an excellent panorama of many current trends in Jazz in Cuba.
ESPAÑOL: Perspectiva es el álbum debut auspicioso (y audaz) de uno de los ganadores de JoJazz 2017, Marcos Morales. Maduro más allá de los años de sus protagonistas, Perspectiva ofrece al oyente un excelente panorama de muchas de las tendencias actuales del jazz en Cuba.

06/25/2018 Bill Tilford
CD Dafnis Prieto Big Band Dpbb_coversmall Back to the Sunset - (Independent) - Released 2017

ENGLISH: Dafnis Prieto's new project, the Dafnis Prieto Big Band, proves that all those who keep trying to write the obituary for new, creative big band music need to throw their crayons in the trash, shut up, and listen. Big bands live, and they are still doing new and exciting things.
ESPAÑOL: El nuevo proyecto de Dafnis Prieto, el Dafnis Prieto Big Band, muestra que todos los que intentan escribir el obituario de la música nueva y creativa de big band deben tirar sus lápices de colores en la basura, callarse y escuchar. Las grandes bandas todavía viven, y todavía hacen cosas nuevas y emocionantes.

06/30/2018 Bill Tilford
CD El Septeto Santiaguero & José Alberto "El Canario" Portadasmall A mi qué - (EGREM) - Released 2018

ENGLISH: El Septeto Santiaguero is back with another collaboration with José Alberto "El Canario" and an impressive roster of both Cuban and foreign guest artists. Traditional and innovative simultaneously.
ESPAÑOL: El Septeto Santiaguero regresa con nueva colaboración con José Alberto "El Canario" y una lista impresionante de artistas invitados cubanos y extranjeros. Tradicional y innovador simultaneamente.

07/01/2018 Bill Tilford
CD Gastón Joya Mamainares Mama Ina - (Unicornio) - Released 2018

ENGLISH: Bassist Gastón Joya's first commercially-released solo album, a trio project with some special guests, is the winner of the Jazz Soloist category in Cubadisco 2018
ESPAÑOL: El primer álbum de bajista Gastón Joya lanzado en el mercardo, un proyecto en trio con invitados especiales, es ganador de la categoríá Jazz Solista en Cubadisco 2018.

10/14/2018 Bill Tilford
CD Formell y Los Van Van Legadosmall Legado - (EGREM) - Released 2017

ENGLISH: Legado, the latest by Formell y Los Van Van, is an exciting combination of material from the early days of the band with current compositions. It won a Special Prize in Cubadisco 2018 and as of this writing is also a nominee for Best Tropical Latin Album in this year's GRAMMY awards.
ESPAÑOL: Legado, el nuevo de Formell y Los Van Van, es una combinación emocionante de material desde los primeros años del grupo con composiciones actuales. Ganó un Premio Especial en Cubadisco 2018 y en este momento es nominado a la categoríá Mejor Álbum Latino Tropical en los premios GRAMMY

10/14/2018 Bill Tilford
CD Hermanos Arango Benditasmall Bendita Guanabacoa

ENGLISH: The Arango Family has been a giant force in Rumba, Cuban Jazz, Afrocuban Folklore and Timba for decades. Bendita Guanabacoa by Hermanos Arango, nominated for a Cubadisco in 2019, brings it all together In a wonderful new recording that contains genuine surprises even for well-educated ears.
ESPAÑOL: La familia Arango ha sido una fuerza gigante en Rumba, Jazz cubano, Folclore afrocubano y Timba hace décadas. Bendita Guanabacoa por Hermanos Arango, nominado para un Cubadisco en 2019, lo reúne todo en una nueva grabación maravillosa que contiene sorpresas genuinas incluso para oídos bien formados.

09/22/2019 Bill Tilford
CD Ernesto Vega Tradbeyondsmall Tradition and Beyond

ENGLISH: Tradition and Beyond, the new release by clarinet virtuoso and composer Ernesto Vega with some of Cuba's best young Jazz stars, is a heartfelt Jazz tribute with original compositions to some of the musicians to which Ernesto listened in his youth
ESPAÑOL: Tradition and Beyond, el nuevo lanzamiento del virtuoso de clarinete y compositor Ernesto Vega con unos de las mejores jovenes estrellas de Jazz en Cuba, es un tributo jazzistico sencillo con composiciones originales a algunos de los músicos a que Ernesto escuchaba en su infancia y juventud.

09/22/2019 BIll Tilford
CD Zule Guerra Elviajecoversmall El Viaje

ENGLISH: El Viaje is Zule Guerra's first in-studio album, her previous releases being recordings of live performances. All of the compositions are hers, and with a stellar lineup of JoJazz winners plus Ernán López-Nussa's deft touch as producer, this is a thing of beauty.
ESPAÑOL: El Viaje es el primer álbum de estudio de Zule Guerra, sus lanzamientos anteriores son grabaciones de actuaciones en vivo. Todas las composiciones son suyas, y con una alineación estelar de ganadores de JoJazz más el toque hábil de Ernán López-Nussa como productor, esto es algo bello.

05/15/2020 Bill Tilford
CD/DVD Varios Artists Mirandosmall Mirando al futuro from Havana jazz

ENGLISH: Mirando al futuro from Havana Jazz is an eloquent musical defense both of the quality of Cuban jazz generally and its rightful place of honor Cuba's musical culture specifically. If a picture is worth a thousand words, the right album is worth ten thousand where music is concerned. This is one of those albums.
ESPAÑOL: Mirando al futuro from Havana jazz es una elocuente defensa musical tanto de la calidad del jazz cubano en general como de su legítimo lugar de honor en la cultura musical cubana específicamente. Si una imagen vale más de mil palabras, el álbum correcto vale diez mil respecta a la música. Este álbum uno de ellos.

06/15/2020 Bill Tilford
CD Various Artists Jazz_young_spirit Jazz Young Spirit (Series) (Colibrí) 2005- ?)

ENGLISH: The Jazz Young Spirit collection, released on Colibrí beginning in 2005, is among the crown jewels of Cuban jazz releases featuring young artists early in their careers. These are often their debut recordings.
ESPAÑOL: La colección Jazz Young Spirit, lanzada en Colibrí a partir de 2005, se encuentra entre las joyas de la corona de los lanzamientos de jazz cubanos con artistas jóvenes al principio de sus carreras. Son a menudo sus grabaciones de debut.

06/21/2020 Bill Tilford
CD Various Artists Esquinasmall La Esquina del Jazz (EGREM) 2019

ENGLISH: La Equina del Jazz is an audio memorial by the winners of the first improvisational jazz contest organized by the iconic radio program of the same name. An interesting collaboration of contest winners and established professionals, noteworthy also for its significant amount of North American style jazz standards.
ESPAÑOL: La Equina del Jazz es un audio memorial de los ganadores del primer concurso de improvisación de jazz organizado por el icónico programa de radio del mismo nombre. Una interesante colaboración de ganadores del concurso y profesionales establecidos, destacable también por su gran cantidad de estándares de jazz de estilo norteamericano.

07/26/2020 William Tilford
CD Harold López-Nussa Te_lo_dije_small Te Lo Dije (Mack Avenue) -released 2020

ENGLISH: In Te Lo Dije, Harold López-Nussa presents a bold jazz tribute to several genres of popular music, mostly but not exclusively Cuban, including a surprising jazz treatment of reggaeton in one track.

ESPAÑOL: En Te Lo Dije, Harold López-Nussa presenta un audaz homenaje jazzistico a varios géneros de la música popular, en su mayoría pero no exclusivamente cubana, que incluye un sorprendente tratamiento jazzístico del reguetón en un track.

09/20/2020 Bill Tilford
CD Joey Altruda & Francisco Fellove Valdés El_gran_fellove_cover_art_small Joey Altruda Presents: El Gran Fellove

English: The last full studio album by El Gran Fellove (Francisco Fellove Valdés), recorded with Joey Altruda in Mexico City in 1999, has finally emerged from the vaulton the 100th anniversary of his birth. Unlike some projects in other genres released more for the sake of completeness than true musical merit, this one stands on its own merits.
Español: El último álbum completo en esudio de El Gran Fellove (Francisco Fellove Valdés), grabado con Joey Altruda en la Ciudad de México en 1999, finalmente ha salido de la bóveda en el centenario de su nacimiento. A diferencia de algunos proyectos de otros géneros lanzados más por ser completos que por un verdadero mérito musical, este se sostiene por sus propios méritos.

11/20/2023 Bill Tilford
CD Kiki Valera Vacilon-santiaguero_timba Vacilón Santiaguero (Circle 9 Records) released March 29, 2024

English: Vacilón Santiaguero is Kiki Valera's second release in the United States. Still 100% authentic son cubano with an impressive guest list of some of Kiki's favorite trumpeters. Currently a nominee (Best Tropical Latin Album) in the 2025 GRAMMY® awards
Español: Vacilón Santiaguero es el segundo lanzamiento de Kiki Valera en Estados Unidos. Sigue siendo son cubano 100% autentico con una lista impresionante de algunos de los trompestistas favoritos de Kiki como invitados Actualmente nominado (BEST Tropical Latin Album) en los 2025 premios GRAMMY®

06/05/2024 Bill Tilford
CD/DVD Sergio Vitier 908-sergio-vitier-identidadsmall Identidad - (Bis Music) - Released 2012

Identidad was awarded a Cubadisco in the Documentary category in 2014. The CD portion of this CD/DVD combination includes reissues of two fascinating recordings (homenajes and Travesía) by Sergio Vitier, who was one of the key members of GES (Grupo de Experimentacion Sonora del ICAIC) before it disbanded. Indeed, these recordings, while all his own compositions, are reminiscent of some of the best work of that group.

08/05/2014 Bill Tillford
CD Buena Fe Dial-timbassmall Dial - (Blue Night Entertainment) Released 2013.02.18

"Dial", Buena Fe’s eighth studio CD, is a tribute to the 90th anniversary of Cuban Radio, which took place in 2012. It is also is an experimental project that goes in search of fresh sounds, marking a new phase in the band’s artistic development.

04/02/2013 Michelle White
CD Mayito Rivera Mayitoalmadesonerocover_100 Alma de sonero - (Connector Records) Released 11/06/2013

Mayito’s familiar voice is the perfect vehicle to introduce a new generation
of casino dancers to the joys of son. Highly recommended!

08/11/2013 Michelle White
Concert Calle Real Cr-review Calle Real at El Palacio Real (Stockholm) - 2013.09.15

Back after a six month hiatus, Calle Real performed two hot sets for dedicated fans who braved the autumn rain in Stockholm and were rewarded with two new songs.

09/15/2013 Michelle White
CD Soneros All Stars Sonerosallstars_lolo-small Lolo - (Soneros Records) Released 2014.03.26

Yanesito has hit this one out of the ballpark!
‘Lolo’ is 30 minutes of scorching dance music, impossible to resist and a must have for DJs

03/25/2014 Michelle White
CD Emilio Frías "El Niño" y La Verdad Caratula-icon Llegó La Verdad - (EGREM) Released September 2014

"Llegó la Verdad", the debut album by Elio Frias "El Niño" y La Verdad has proved their ability to deliver hit after hit and solidified their position as one of the top young bands in Havana.

01/25/2015 Michelle White