SpanishEnglishCubadisco 2020 - Convocatoria Cubadisco 2020

Convocation Call for the Cubadisco 2020 Awards
(SOURCE:  Cuban Music Institute)

The Cuban Institute of Music and the Cubadisco Prize Committee convene the 2020 Cubadisco Awards.


1. Phonographic or audiovisual musical productions edited by Cuban record companies, by Cuban and foreign institutions related to the musical activity of our country, and independent musical productions, provided that they are endorsed by an institution linked to our cultural field may participate.

2. The productions registered (for the awards competition) must have been edited between January 1 and December 31, 2019. Exceptionally, some productions will be admitted that, having been made in previous years (never before 2015), could not have been previously edited, and has not been presented totally or partially to any previous edition of this event.

3. The Cubadisco Awards will consider the quality of the productions that are submitted to the contest, and not the work, trajectory or relevance within the national music and culture, nor any other of the virtues of the artists whose works are contained in such productions , nor the popularity or sales levels of the productions presented.

4. The deadline for the registration of works begins on January 15 and expires on February 15, 2020.

5. The inscription of the works in the contest will be realized in the offices of the Cubadisco Awards:
Calle E no. 452, between 15 and 17, Vedado, Revolution Square, Havana, Cuba. CP 10400.
Telephone: (537) 837 5722.

6. For the purposes of registration, three physical copies of the finished work must be submitted. In the same way, the work must be delivered in digital format (mp3, in the case of music), with all the necessary data that complement the production: designs, record notes, couplings, fundamental credits, etc., following the digital template designed to effect.

7. The institutions that present works in competition will be responsible for the inscriptions of their productions before the contest and the artists they represent. Once registered, they cannot be withdrawn from the event under any circumstances.

8. The category in which each production will compete will be decided jointly by the members of the Advisory Group of the Prize Committee designated for this purpose, and the representatives of the record companies and institutions that register the works, so that any claim or disagreement with the classification by artists and / or producers of the works must be aired with the institution that represents them.

9. The processes of nomination and awarding of prizes will be carried out by the academics in charge of voting in each area and category, and verified by the Advisory Group.

10. The results of the nomination will be publicly announced at a press conference convened for this purpose. The awards ceremony will be held in a ceremony organized for this purpose within the calendar of the Cubadisco 2020 International Fair.

11. Registration in the contest implies the acceptance of its bases. Likewise, the institution that inscribes the production in the contest is committed, in the event that the work is awarded, to issue the release of a selected theme that allows the Prize Committee to publish a compilation disc of the award-winning albums just finished the process of delivery of the Prizes.

12. Nominations and awards granted will be final.


The categories to be awarded in the contest will be grouped into the following areas:

AREA 1. PATRIMONIAL (traditional and archival music)

AREA 2. ACADEMIC (concert, chamber, choral and concert soloist music)

AREA 3. INSTRUMENTAL (instrumental music, jazz and soundtrack)

AREA 4. SONG (song, new song and music for children)

AREA 5. FUSION (rock, pop and fusion)

AREA 6. CURRENT DANCE MUSIC (masters and new talents)



AREA 9. AUDIOVISUALS (audiovisual musical show, musical documentary and didactic audiovisual)

AREA 10. SPECIALTIES (recording, graphic design, record and music notes)

International award

It will be awarded to phonograms of foreign authors and performers that creatively reflect the most authentic musical values ​​and commitment to the defense and promotion of cultural diversity, in correspondence with the aesthetic budgets advocated by Cubadisco. The proposals for this award will be made by Cuban and foreign artists and experts linked to the record industry of our country and the history of this event.
Sunday, 29 December 2019, 02:01 PM